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Tips for Wearers of Contact Lenses in Canada

Making the switch to contact lenses in Canada will be easy once you follow the right steps! Contact lenses offer a huge array of benefits to the wearer, whether you are making the switch from glasses, or looking to improve your vision for the first time.

Try Out Different Kinds

There are different kinds of contact lenses available, and which ones you use are up to you. Some prefer dailies, where you insert new lenses every day. There are also more durable contact lenses in Canada, which last about a month. You can also avail of soft and hard varieties. Which one is more comfortable depends on the person.

Practice Good Hygiene

Always wash your hands before inserting and removing contact lenses. This is one of the most important pieces of advice that we can offer for wearing contact lenses in Canada. It is never wise to touch your eye without washing your hands beforehand, as you may spread an infection to the area. Use the correct hand washing method, as advocated by medical professionals, to make sure you get rid of all of the bacteria. If you are using monthly contact lenses in Canada, make sure you clean them with the right solution as well.

Take Them Out at Night

Another hugely important piece of advice to do with contact lenses in Canada is to take them out at night. It really cannot be stressed enough that you should never sleep with your contact lenses in. This can damage your eyes and make your vision even worse. Some people find it helpful to set an alarm to remind them to remove them before bed.  Then if you are using dailies, dispose of them correctly or longer wearing lenses should be placed in proper solution. We always advise wearers to carry around a pair of glasses or extra dailies contact lenses with them, in case they suddenly can’t spend the night at home for some reason. Some lenses are approved for continual wear, even while sleeping, but it is much better for your eyes to take them out to sleep.

Buy Online

An easy way to get access to contact lenses in Canada is to buy them online. This simple set up will have them delivered straight to your door exactly when you need them. You just need to order them using your computer, or mobile device, and you will save money with great deals, as well as time from not having to go to the relevant store to buy them.